2018 archive

California Wildfires Impacting the Blood Community

Statement from America’s Blood Centers

As the wildfires in California continue to burn, the devastation left in their wake remains including more than 60 deaths as of Thursday, November 15th.   The tragedy has displaced many more as a result of damage and/or mandatory evacuations.

This particularly hits close to home for the blood community as some employees at ABC member blood centers Northern California Community Blood Bank and Vitalant (formerly BloodSource) have been displaced as their homes and possessions were destroyed and their lives disrupted.

While fixed site locations have been spared thus far, the impact of the fires continues to alter operations as drives have been canceled and some fixed site locations temporarily closed. Currently, the blood needs of blood centers in the region are being met. The AABB Interorganizational Task Force on Domestic Disasters and Acts of Terrorism is monitoring the situation and any needs of affected [...]

2018 archive

Highlights of the 2018-19 Budget

Governor Brown Signs Final State Budget with Record Rainy Day Fund, School Funding

Saving for Uncertain Times

The state’s Rainy Day Fund, established by a vote of the people in 2014, saves money when the economy is strong for uncertain times ahead. By the end of 2018-19, the current economic expansion will have matched the longest in post-war history. The budget fully fills the fund, growing the balance to an unprecedented $13.8 billion.

Supporting our Schools 
The budget increases funding by more than $4,600 per student over 2011-12 levels and directs $78.4 billion in funding to K-14 schools – a 66 percent increase in annual funding from seven years ago. Additionally, the state will fully implement the Local Control Funding Formula, correcting historical inequities in school district funding.

Counteracting the Effects of Poverty and Combatting Homelessness

The budget invests $5 billion to help address challenges with affordable housing and homelessness, [...]

2018 archive

This afternoon the legislature voted on their budget and sent it to Governor Brown for his signature. The governor has 12 days to sign the budgetand has line item veto, should he wish to utilize it.

While there is a $16 billion reserve account, there are now 3 reserve accounts – rainy day which can hold 10% of GF revenues, an account for  “uncommitted reserves which hold $2 billion and a new ‘safety net reserve for social services, this account holds $200 million.

However, there is no expansion of health care or tax breaks offered to undocumented residents. SB 974 – Medi-cal access for those 65 and older and AB 2965 which provides access to Medi-cal for adults and those under age 26, both are still in committees, awaiting a hearing. No expansion of EITC for undocs.

There is an increase in K-14 education – $78 billion, $11,639 per student, $100 million one time and [...]

2018 archive

Local nonprofits were honored by state legislators as part of the third annual California Nonprofits Day Celebration. 

2018 archive

Date: June 14, 2018

Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life.

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